It has taken less than a week for the Vote for Romulo campaing to reach the big time. We have made it to the OFFICIAL PBC Blog on the website of the Post-Gazette. In his daily Morning Links post, Dejan posted a link to the WHYGAVS post featuring the Vote for Romulo Campaign.
I know you must be asking yourself, why didn't DK link to your site, Eron? Well I can answer that for you. I emailed Dejan the other day asking for the requirements to have this blog listed on the PG website. I met all but one of the requirements...I haven't been posting for at least one year. At some point today, I will post those email conversations.
Anyhow, I have to thank Pete from WHYGAVS for picking up this story. I'd also like to thank The Green Weenie, The Unemployed Asshole, and any other bloggers or message board writers that may have picked up this story and are helping to spread the word.
Of course, spreading the word isn't good enough. The Pirates faithful NEED to vote several times a day, everyday.
Lets Go Bucs!
Lets Go Romulo!
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2 years ago
Hahah he's going to win, and the PBC is going to give Romulo the biggest schmoz job since the Montreal Screwjob.