It was announced this morning in the Post-Gazette that Mario Lemieux and Ron Burkle, co-owners of the Pittsburgh Penguins, made an offer to Bob Nutting in a closed door meeting four month ago, to purchase the Pittsburgh Pirates. If this were to be the case, as both sides have very different stories to tell, it would probably be the biggest Pittsburgh sports news story since Lemieux and investors bought and saved the Pittsburgh Penguins in 1999.
According to the article on the PG's website, the Lemieux and Burkle invited Nutting to their offices in Chatham Center to discuss the possibility of purchasing the team. It even went as far as Burkle making a financial offer to Nutting.
On the flip side, the Pirates claim that the meeting was to discuss other business, was informal, and nothing about selling the team was discussed.
This huge news story should make for an interesting day today at PirateFest. If you are free this afternoon, I'd suggest going down to the Convention Center and seeing if you have the opportunity to bump into Nutting, Frank Coonelly, or Neal Huntington to discuss the matter.
Let's Go Bucs!
Photos: A homo-erotic Sidney Crosby on the right, easily confused with short stop Bobby Crosby, on the left.
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